Nicaragua Travel Information

What our users say about traveling in Nicaragua. Have something to say, too? Add your comments here.

Member5385465 visited Managua on 2015-09-20 and has this to say:
seeking travel partner/guide.
Jaguar674 visited Managua on 2011-12-20 and has this to say:
I want to relax in my born country for a better way of life and relations after my vacations.
Marja30 visited Managua on 2007-08-22 and has this to say:
I've been in Managua for two months teaching at a local school. First few days was a culture shock living in the slums of Managua, but all the lovely people make it a wonderfull experience!
Shamandoctor visited Managua on 1979-01-10 and has this to say:
Nice people. Great culture. Wondeful landscapes, wonderful revolution destroyed by USA.
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