Sierra Leone Travel Information

What our users say about traveling in Sierra Leone. Have something to say, too? Add your comments here.

Member4560316 visited Freetown on 2013-08-12 and has this to say:
i love my life
janepher visited Freetown on 2012-08-08 and has this to say:
travel partners
Member4035379 visited Freetown on 1998-05-03 and has this to say:
this is my numb + u can call any time.
Member6388400 visited Kenema on 1993-10-23 and has this to say:
positive impressions.
Member6388400 visited Kenema on 1993-10-23 and has this to say:
positive impressions.
Member4035379 visited Freetown on 1991-12-12 and has this to say:
travel partners
Member4035379 visited Freetown on 1991-12-12 and has this to say:
travel partners
Member4035379 visited Freetown on 1991-12-12 and has this to say:
travel partners
Member4577204 visited Makeni on 1986-07-27 and has this to say:
Travel partners
Member6937449 visited Freetown on 1972-07-13 and has this to say:
I need a partner wife to marry and leave forever and have kids But I am a poor man and jobless and childless and even the money I should pay in this site I Don't have it But I really want to build up my family and leave happy with my partner and the kids forever Thanks to you
Member3918338 visited Freetown on 1964-10-01 and has this to say:
Growing up with all the friendly people - after we left the whole area was pulled into many years of bloody war - the time I remember there, it was nothing like that. The country and the people were all friendly...
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