Iraq Travel Information

What our users say about traveling in Iraq. Have something to say, too? Add your comments here.

altaf71 visited Baghdad on 2011-08-23 and has this to say:
lust i alone
mhmdmaan visited Baghdad on 2011-06-19 and has this to say:
funny facts
ahm_74 visited Baghdad on 2010-12-20 and has this to say:
ilike this country ihope to compliet study heare
Member4503879 visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 2010-08-11 and has this to say:
Its very nice where you can find open minded citizen deal with a whole super market managed by chineeze people amazing
mhbarchi visited Dahūk on 2009-02-06 and has this to say:
its a wonderful place to live, peace , quite and the people are very truthful and faithful, its the safest place, nice natural views
Mathew65 visited Kirkūk on 2008-10-19 and has this to say:
Rolling hills and wonderful people.
lostmoon visited Baghdad on 2008-04-08 and has this to say:
i am studying media in Dublin i look for absolute beauty i have free spirit i would like to know a good woman compatible with me
Fritz100 visited Baghdad on 2008-01-14 and has this to say:
This place is super dirty and smells bad. The falafels were good.
Member3921014 visited al-Kūt on 2007-12-10 and has this to say:
hot, dangerous, egzotic
Trini1983 visited Baghdad on 2007-08-28 and has this to say:
steveramsfan visited al-Başrah on 2007-05-12 and has this to say:
Hated it, scared everyday I was in Basra Palace. bombs in 3 months landed :(
Discovery_Learning visited Tikrit on 2007-04-03 and has this to say:
Working with Americans is invariably a pleasure in that they always bring plenty of food and lots of shiny kit to the party. As to the reasons they venture to certain places is a mystery, seemingly trying to repeat the imperial errors of their former colonial ruler they'd cast off some 250 years earlier!
cygnus visited al-Fallūjah on 2007-03-24 and has this to say:
don't ask this is something i don't like to talk about
chibandit44 visited Baghdad on 2006-11-02 and has this to say:
Spent just about a year here.
Mathew65 visited Tall cAfar on 2006-09-01 and has this to say:
Beautiful sunrises and mountains.
Discovery_Learning visited Baghdad on 2006-05-07 and has this to say:
Camping out in the US embassy one could hardly notice the conflict raging outside the Green Zone, and chilling by the pool with 'lifeguards' on duty in their red shorts was even more surreal.
Discovery_Learning visited al-Başrah on 2005-12-01 and has this to say:
Going to work in a Blackhawk can be exciting, watching the bits that were your friends go home in a bodybag, no fun at all.
simmat visited an-Nāşirīyah on 2005-01-12 and has this to say:
The worse period of my life
Member3921014 visited al-Başrah on 2004-08-12 and has this to say:
very hot, dangerous, egzotic
MrEasyGoing visited Kirkūk on 2004-07-24 and has this to say:
I worked with the Northern Oil Company rebuilding the oil infrastructure.
snoboer visited al-Başrah on 2004-01-05 and has this to say:
I was in Iraq for 6 month. Very very very HOT there. +55c in shadow
Member3432591 visited Irbīl on 2003-11-04 and has this to say:
Hard to believe such a beautiful place can exist within the confines of war. Had a great time and the place was such a treat, the Kurdish people operating the hotel were so nice and accommodating. The mountain and the lake were by far the greatest views.
bagram visited Baghdad on 2003-09-20 and has this to say:
two journeys to Iraq - al-Basra, Baġdād, al-Ħilla, Sāmarrā', al-Uxaydir etc.
Gary4 visited Baghdad on 2003-03-01 and has this to say:
Seemed like a cool country with a lot of history. Saw the most beautiful sunset there, Got to Baghdad on my 21st birthday!
LaBrendy11 visited Baghdad on 2002-08-15 and has this to say:
beautiful but poor country, nice food. Very hot in summer time
Member5920487 visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 1994-11-19 and has this to say:
Iam student of university, I am gonna graduate this year. I wanna someone to serious relationship.
zuheer_alnory visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 1991-02-15 and has this to say:
travel partners
bagram visited Baghdad on 1989-02-14 and has this to say:
Baġdād, ad-Dīwānīya, al-Kūfa, al-Ħilla, an-Nāsirīya, an-Najaf, al-Mawsil, Sāmarrā', al-Ķurna, Aššūr, Hadar, Lagaš, Ur, Eridu, Larsa, Uruk, Kiš, Nippur, Borsippa, al-Uxaydir, Ayn Tamr etc.
sae2ed visited al-Başrah on 1988-01-24 and has this to say:
حي الله كل من جانه
Member5627672 visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 1986-01-01 and has this to say:
hello guys i hope so can i meet the people from here
sss85 visited Baghdad on 1985-02-25 and has this to say:
I tell you later
wzard313 visited al-Başrah on 1984-10-19 and has this to say:
funny fasts
3344583 visited Baghdad on 1983-07-23 and has this to say:
ilove travel to europen special to spain
alanblbas visited Irbīl on 1981-10-20 and has this to say:
i'm So happy with everyone ,
bottomgay visited al-Başrah on 1981-06-27 and has this to say:
i am 30 years old looking for friends
aryian80 visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 1980-11-25 and has this to say:
im from irak but i live at turkye and my work honest mane.....where my helf part
aryian80 visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 1980-11-25 and has this to say:
where my helf part
sbhanamen visited Baghdad on 1980-02-01 and has this to say:
احب ان اتعرف على الاصدقاء
sae2ed visited al-Başrah on 1979-06-01 and has this to say:
عراقي وافتخر
mazenjl visited Baghdad on 1977-03-23 and has this to say:
iwant hot lady and beutifut and very sexy
haedar1976 visited Baghdad on 1976-09-14 and has this to say:
hi ioam haedar from iraq id lik to meet u in chat heis batar my emil as
Member6627838 visited Baghdad on 1976-06-01 and has this to say:
UNESCO scientific expedition
billy316 visited al-Mawşil on 1976-04-16 and has this to say:
Was the most happy period of my life! I hope if I could meet the ppl I worked with and lived with again.
Member3298296 visited Baghdad on 1975-11-30 and has this to say:
foaz visited Baghdad on 1975-07-30 and has this to say:
im foaz from iraq i wont to faind seres geral to meak weth hem frndshep and merd hem
sabahhassen2002 visited az-Zubayr on 1975-02-27 and has this to say:
I liked the site and belonged to be among you and not know all the members
leo_13 visited Baghdad on 1974-09-13 and has this to say:
Iraq is my home I had good memories in Bagdad,good times,real friends everything I will never forget you IRAQ...
aryian80 visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 1973-11-25 and has this to say:
good frineds
Member4311491 visited al-Başrah on 1972-04-29 and has this to say:
Don't worry
mohammedmosawy visited Baghdad on 1972-04-21 and has this to say:
engmohmos_engmoh AT YAHO
Member5728901 visited Irbīl on 1971-09-12 and has this to say:
love, to live, to learn, to grow, to help others, to heal, to teach, to explore, to be fascinated with the unknown, to seek compassion for justice, to love good food, to travel, to see the greatness in everyone, to find beauty in anything, to be intense and passionate with life itself.
Member5257618 visited as-Sulaymānīyah on 1970-07-01 and has this to say:
I have miss my old city
wammy111 visited Tikrit on 1970-06-26 and has this to say:
i like to be honest man with other
Member4584573 visited Baghdad on 1970-01-16 and has this to say:
frindship and romans
mamo65 visited Dahūk on 1965-02-05 and has this to say:
It is my home,i was born ther and staded and worked . I visited 16 Cities from 18. that mean i visited almost of all Iraqi°s Cities.i liked to much.
Member7008282 visited Irbīl on 1958-01-28 and has this to say:
Travel partners life facts.
Member7008282 visited Irbīl on 1958-01-26 and has this to say:
Travel partners facts impressions.
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